Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Cacá ar tar Fuwain (လယ္သမားႏွင့္သားမ်ား)

Cacá ar tar Fuwain (လယ္သမားႏွင့္ သားမ်ား)

[In Rohingya Zuban]

Ek din Uggúa Cacá mootor bisánot boiccé. Te tar fuwa duní zon oré daki oré hooddé,“Tuáñra aññarar kéti barigun oré zeen aññí sóñli lám een soñlibáné?"

“Jee, obá," fuwa duni zon é “Aññrá saiyúm" hoí juwab diyé.

Baf e taráré hoodé,“ aññr añgur kéti ekkánót mal házana gáñraiya asé."

Tarár baf entehal oi motton, fuwa duní zon é fára kudal loi húcíyari sañté kuñrat kurá cúru goijjé.

Zehón tará kuñrá agagura kurí feilí, kessú nofai óré fuwain gun é hooddé, “eré dé honó mal házana nai”, hoí bicí fercan óiyé.

Kintu, yár baáde, bicí meénnót gorí ham gorónor dara, kétít mazé agottú aró othalikká bicí gula gala oiyé.

Tará sug tug doñr doñr gorí feillé, tará ek zon oré ar ekzone hoilo, “o bái, aññrár házana dé aññárar dukkór meénnót ar két oré kérmos gorát mazé, taráttú fakka óiyé!'' 

Yár baáde lóti, tará két oré bicí bicí kérmos goittó. Tarár baf or yadgarir két oré boot bosór fán solai accíl.

Kucíc ór lot hone fa.

The Farmer and his Sons

[In English]

A farmer was dying one day. He called his two sons and said to them, “Will you look after our farm in the same way that I did all these years?”

“Yes, father,” said the two sons, “We will.”

The father then told them, “There is a great treasure hidden in one of my vineyards.”

No sooner had their father died, than the two men took their hoes and spades and began carefully digging over every portion of the land.

When they finished the whole lot the men said, “There is no treasure here!” disappointed after finding nothing.

But not long after, because of the many hours of hard work, the land began to give forth a superabundant harvest.

Their eyes were opened, and they said to each other, “Our treasure is in our labour and care of the land, to be sure!”

From then on they always cared for the farm, preserving the memory of their father in the land for many years to come.

There is no substitute for hard work. 

 Read more here;

  1. ဝံပုေလြႏွင့္ သိုးကေလး (၁)
  2. ဝံပုေလြႏွင့္ သိုးကေလး (၂)

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