Sunday, February 26, 2017

Aladdin and the Enchanted Lamp :P-Six

Aladdin ar Jadur Sarag

Waafesi  [There and back again]

Áñzinná Aladdin ar tar sáñti ókkol cíar gorí górot wafes aiyér. Asimbit sáñtí uggúa yé hoiyé dé: “Aladdin saawá! badcá Súltan or manúic ókkol aiyér, hátot doo to yó asé. Tará kiyóllá aiyer dé ré?” hoi fusár loiyé. 
“Aññí yó hoi no farí…” hoi juwab diyé.

In the evening Aladdin and his friends finished huntin and  began to go home. Suddenly a friend said: ‘Aladdin,  look! The Sultan's men are coming, with swords in their hands. What do they wants?  ‘I don't know, ’ Aladdin answered. 

Súltan or manúic ókkol ai oré, tará hoiyé. “Aladdin, aññárattú tuáñré badcá hañsé hámahá loiza fori bó. Íba bicí guiccát.”

“Kiyóllá?” hoi Aladdin e fusár loiyé. Kintu badcár sífayi ókkol e taré hoi no farér. 

Badcá Súltan ór raz mohól ót zehón fooñssé…
Badcá Súltan e Aladdin oré kírkeri ekkán ót loi giyé. “Horé… tor raz mohól?” hoi badcá yé guccár sáñte fusár loiyé. “Aññár zii óre horé félaiyós…? Aññáré juwab de!?”
Aladdin e kíkeríttu háddí saiyé. Ére zobin ar asman ún asé dé. Honó raz mohól dehá nozar. Bagan ókkol ó nái. Ére kessú hoilé kessú nái. Te sug ún hárilo, abar sug melí saiyé. Mogor tartú badcá Súltan óre hoi bár honó juwab nái. 
“Iín hala jadu, mui tuáñré hámicá dorhás goijjílúm” hoí uzir e azom e badcár hañnot fúicfucái hoiyé.

When the Sultan's men arrived, they said: ‘ Aladdin, we must take you to the Sultan. He's very angry. ’ ‘Why?’ asked Aladdin, but the men could not tell him. In his palace the Sultan took Aladdin to a window. ‘Where is your palace? ’ he cried angrily. ‘And where is my daughter? Answer me!’ Aladdin looked out of the window. There was only the ground and the sky_ no palace, no gardens, nothing. He closed his eyes, opened them and looked again, and he had  no answer for the Sultan.   ‘It's black magic. I always said that, ’ the Vizier said quietly in the Sultan's ear. 

Aladdin e badcár foot fori dorhás goijjé dé: “Badcá húzur, moré ehón mari félo. Badr-al-Budur sára morttú basító mone no hoór.” Tar sug óttú faní zai cína buri zargói.
“Salic din or bútoré íbaré fa fán tuwa, no failé tui moribí” hoi badcá Sultan e dómki diyé.
“Onor hókum matár uoré” Aladdin e dorhás goijjé.

‘Your Majesty. ’ Aladdin put his head at the Sultan's feet. ‘Kill me now_I do not want to live without Badr-al-Budur.’ There were tears in his eyes. ‘Find her in forty days _ or you die,’ the Sultan said. ‘I hear and obey, Your Majesty, ’ Aladdin answered. 

Kintu, Aladdin e tar jadur sarag sára Aladdin e ki gorí fari bó? Te coór óttú neli tar bibi ar tar raz mohól óre tuwat asé. Kintu ,áw, te horé tuwai faibo. Tiríc fañs din fojjonto tuwai baáde, te hál ekkán ór haindát zai boi boi hañder. “Uo… Badr-al-Budur…, o mor ador lé…! Tui horé…?” hoi hoi hañdat tar hát oré fanít gólai diyé. É ottót tar kinna oñlot finné dé jadur oñçí ré dikké. Te oñçí wáré dholan maijjé.
“WHOOSH!” hoi abas di háil dúñwár mazóttú oñçír jin neli accé. “Ki zorurot asé, Malík” hoi fusár loiyé.
“Mor bibi wáré tuwai aññár hañsé aní dé” hoi aros goijjé. “Mehérbani góri…”

But without his magic lamp, what could Aladdin do? He went out from the city, and looked and looked for his wife and his palace, but of course he did not find them. After thirty-seven days he sat by a river and cried: ‘Oh, Badr-al-Budur, my love!’ Where are you? Where can I look now?’ He put his hands into the water of the river, and then he saw the magician's ring on his little finger. He began to rub it… WHOOSH! Out of the blue smoke came the jinnee of the ring. ‘What is your wish, master?’ he asked. ‘Find my wife and bring her back to me,’ answered Aladdin. ‘Please…’

“Malík, yían mui gorí nofarím, sarag or jin e daki loi giyói dé zé. Étolla cúde sarag or jin e íba wafes aní faribó dé, zé. Kintu mui tuáñré molikar hañsé fooñsái di farim.”
“Éen óile tora- turi fooñsái do…!”
“Fúna mozin taabedari gorí yúm.”
Arob dec ót tún Morokko dec án bout mail durór sófor. Mogor Aladdin deki hóthát eré fooñssé gói. Ére raz mohól gán tar muúntú deházár. Te bagan ot góli kírkerí uzu saiyé. 
“Badr-al-Budur … tuíñ ére asó né? hoí te dak maijjé. 

‘Master, I cannot do that. The jinee of the lamp took the princess away, and only the jinee of the lamp can bring her back. But I can take you to her.’ ‘Take me then_quickly! ’ ‘To hear is to obey. ’ It is many, many miles from Arabia to Morocco,  but Aladdin was there in a second. And there was his palace,  in front of him. He went into the gardens and looked up at the windows. ‘Badr-al-Budur,’ he cried, ‘are you there? ’

Badr-al-Budur é tar abas oré raz mohól ór bútótun tái fuinne. “Aladdin nikí tó” hoi íba yé sinta goijjé.“Mogor te de uu Arob decót.” Íba yé kírkeri uzu giyé, baáde kírkeri kúli baáré saiyé.
“Aladdin…! Oo…ador lé! hoí ìba yé dak maijjé.
“Eré uore tora turi uró gái! Ya eré jadugor nái” hoi sáyeba yé dak maijjé. 
Buot din baáde foilá bár hísafe Aladdin e háñcce. 
“Táñir ham goróní uggúa yé tora turi duñri lami bagan ot góledé gura duwar gán kúli diyé. Aladdin e sáyebar hambára uzu duñri uiththé gói. Foñsí mottón sáyeba re vukot loi féille.

In the palace Badr-al-Budur heard him. ‘Is that Aladdin? ’ she thought. ‘But he is far away in Arabia. ’ She went to the window, opened it, and looked out.  ‘Aladdin!’ she cried. ‘Oh, my love!’For the first time in many days, Aladdin smiled. ‘Come up, quickly!’ the Princess called. ‘The magician is not here now.’ Her slave-girl ran down and opened a little door into the gardens. Aladdin ran up to the Princess's rooms, and in a second she was in his arms.

“O…mor foran…” hoi sáyeba yé hoiyé. “Daku uggúa yé moré eré loi accé dé. Uggúa jadugor é, tar nam…”
“Tar nam Abanazar, aññí taré mari féillúm…” bóli Aladdin e hoiyé. “Hoó sái_ tartú aññár sarag án asé né?”
“Aw…asé” bóli Badr-al-Budur ré hoiyé. “Te sarag yían óre tar fúañti hámicá loiza gói. Sarag yían ór jadur takot oré aññí ya zani faijjí. Kiyólla hoilé, te añáré buzái yé. Uff… kiyólla aññí dilám dé yá…?”

‘Oh, my love,’ the Princess said. ‘A bad man carried me here. A magician. His name is_’ ‘His name is Abanazar and I am going to kill him,’ said Aladdin. ‘Tell me_ does he have my old lamp? ’ ‘Yes,’ Badr-al-Budur said. ‘He always carries it with him. I know about its magic now, because he told me. Oh, why did I give it away? ’

“Fuinnó… o mor hoilla” bóli Aladdin e hoiyé. “Tuáñré aññí gúmór dabai túra diyum. Te wafes ailé tuíñ taré kessú fii bár jinís diyo, gúmór dabai gún oré é jinis ót miyái diyó. Te gúmót foille, aññí taré mari félai faijjum. No dhorai yó … óine. Tuáñré górót hára wafes loizaiyúm moi. Ehón ekká jadur takot dehái bár taim” hoi te tar oñçí ré dholan maijjé.
“WuuC!” hoi mati oré…“Ki zorurot asé, malík?” hoi oñçí r jin e fusár loiyé.
“Mor hañsé…gúm or dabai túra añnó” hoi Aladdin e hókum díye.

‘Listen, my love, ’said Aladdin. ‘I'm going to give you some sleeping-powder. When he comes here again, you must give him a drink and put the powder in it. When he is asleep, I can kill him. Don't be afraid. I'm going to take you home very soon. Now for some good magic. ’ He began to rub his ring … WHOOSH!‘What is your wish, master? ’ said the jinee of the ring. ‘Bring me some sleeping-powder, ’ said Aladdin. 

“Fúna mozin taabedari gorí yúm.”
Éhon gúm or dabai túra loi oñçír jin fíri accé. Baáde Aladdin loi sáyeba tará Abanazar aibár soiñ gorér. 
Zehón áñzinná óiye, te círi bai urér dé abas tará fúinne. 
“No dhoraic!” hoi Aladdin e tar bibi ré fúcfucái hoiyé. “Mui dákor hambárat asom, tor ére búñg gorí aifaijjum” hoi óre bazáiyá hambárat tora turi goillí duwaror fisé luwai káikké.
Abanazar e Badr-al-Budur ór hambárar duwar kúli bútoré góille gái. Te muggali háñci óre “tuíñ din ottú dine bec cúndor oizoor goi Badr-al-Budur…” bóli hoiyé. “Tuáñr zamai… ebbe behazor Aladdin hodé íte etuun é mori giyói. Tuáñttú aññré cádi gorá fori bou. 
Tuíñ yó cúna, juhár, raz mohól ar haar ekkán faibi! Kintu tuáñttú mor bibi bona foribó.”

‘To hear is to obey. ’ In a second the jinnee was back with some sleeping - powder. Then Aladdin and the Princess waited for Abanazar. In the evening they heard him on the stairs. ‘Don't be afraid, ’ Aladdin said quietly to his wife. ‘I am in the next room and can be with you in a second. ’ He went quickly into the next room and stood behind the door. Abanazar opened the door of Badr-al-Budur's room and came in. He smiled: ‘You are more beautiful every day, Badr-al-Budur,’ he said. ‘Your husband, that good -for-nothing Aladdin, is dead now. You must Marry me. You can have gold, jewels, palaces, anything! ’ But you must be my wife.’

Ebbe foila bár hísafe sáyeba ye Abanazar oré muggali háñci dehái yé.

“kiyólla no faittám?” hoi íba yé juwab diyé. “Tuíñ deki uggúa dóni, baáde morttú eré kúci láger. Yián ór kúci yé kessú ekkán hái.”
Toi íbayé taré cúnar lamba goloic uggúat mazé fii bá cis di ére gúmór dabai yó miyai diyé.
“Aññrá ek goiloic uggúattú ekku fúañti hái…Abanazar” boli íbayé hoiyé. Baáde íba yé háñci dehái yé. “Tuíñ age hooná, baáde mui háim. Aññrár decót noiya buo zamaiyé hámicá endilla goré dé.”

For the first time the Princess smiled at Abanazar. ‘Why not?’ she said. ‘You are rich man and I am happy here. Yes, let's drink to that. ’ And she gave him a tall gold cup with the drink and the powder in it. ‘Let us drink from one cup, Abanazar,’ she said, and smiled at him. ‘You first, then me. In my country new husbands and wives always do this.’

“Morokkor baríq cúndori Badr-al-Budur… mor adoijjá bibir name” boli Abanazar e kúci háñci gorí hoiyé.
Te Badr-al-Budur ór sugót díyan dorí sai, íbayé diyé dé córbot óre háifeillé. Bicí dhoraiya ói táikké dé sáyeba yé taré soñi roiyé. Kintu… bicí gom gúm ór dabai ána. Fañs sekénót Abanazar sug ún hári gúm ót fori giyói. 
Sáyeba yé bazáiyá hambárar duwaror uzu duñr diyé.
“hara, hara aí…Aladdin” hoi íbayé daikké.

‘To Badr-al-Budur, the most beautiful woman in Morocco, ’ Abanazar said happily, ‘and my wife.’ He looked into Badr-al-Budur's eyes and began to drink. Very afraid, the Princess watched him. But it was a good sleeping-powder, and after five seconds Abanazar's eyes closed and he was asleep. The Princess ran to the door of the next room. ‘Quick, Aladdin, ’ she called. 

Aladdin e doo dóri hambárat goille gói baáde gúm ót foijjé dé jadugor oré dikké. “Bála ham goijjó…mor hoillar ború ré!” hoi te hoiyé. “Aw…ehón o hambárat zou…tíyai no táikkó.”
Badr-al-Budur e ar hambárat duñrizai duwar gán bon gorí feillé. Aladdin e Abanazar or hóillat hát golai dí sarag án nelai
Loiyé. Te sarag án óre tar bazur zef or bútoré cúndor gorí loi tíyaiyé.
Aladdin or lamba doo gán e tar ham oré tora turi gorí feillé. Abanazar deki tar sug óre ar ek bar honó otté kúli no faríbó. 
Sáyeba yé hambárat mazé abar góilli oré Aladdin or hañsé duñri giyé. Te íbaré vukot bazai loiyé.

Aladdin ran in with his sword and saw the sleeping magician. ‘Well done, my love!’ he said. ‘Now, go into the next room and do not watch.’
Badr-al-Budur ran to the next room and closed the door. Aladdin put his hand in Abanazar's pocket and took out the lamp. He put it carefully into the pocket of his coat, and then stood up. The sword did its work quickly, and Abanazar never opened his eyes again. The Princess came back into the room, and ran to Aladdin. He took her in his arms. 

“Jadugor de morigiyói…” boli te hoiyé. “Ya…añárá górot wafes zai faijjum…” boli hoi sarag án óre gócan maijjé.
“WUUC!” hoi abas di oin loi laal dúñwá okkól neillé. Sáyeba yé dhorai dhorai sairoiyé.
“Mui accóm yá…malík” bóli sarag or jin e aros goijjé. “Tuáñrttú ki zorurot asé, zé?”

“E ras mohól gán, Badr-al-Budur ar moré Arob decór aññárár coórót fooñsái do. Kintu, e kutar fuwa Abanazar oré eré rakí do.”
“Hókum mozin, malík” boli sarag or jin e hoiyé.

‘The magician is dead, ’ he said. ‘And now we can go home.’ He began to rub the lamp …
WHOOSH! Fire and red smoke came from the lamp. The Princess watched, afraid.
‘I am here, master,’ said the jinnee of the lamp.  ‘What is your wish?’
‘Carry this palace, Badr-al-Budur, and me back to our city in Arabia.  But leave that dog, Abanazar, hete.'
‘To hear is to obey,  ’ said the jinnee.

Badcá Súltan e tar kírkerittú saiyé dé ére Aladdin or raz mohól óre abar dikké. Taiñr dilot kúci biggún fíri accé. Tar zii óre te azamari dóijjé dé ottót te deki Arob decór ebbe kúcír manúic uggúa boni giyói.
É din lotí… Aladdin ar Badr-al-Budur tará raz mohól ot kúci háñcir sáñte táikkil. Tará buot bosór fán accíl. Fut zii yían ó buot foida óil. Kintu… Aladdin e taahubpia jadur sarag án oré raite dine tar fúañti sóñlí rakító…

When the Sultan looked out of his window and saw Aladdin's palace again, he was a happy man. And when he took his daughter in his arms, he was the happiest man in Arabia. From that day, Aladdin and Badr-al-Budur lived happily in their palace. They lived for many years, and had many children. But Aladdin always carried the magic lamp with him, day and night. 




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