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Monday, February 20, 2017

Aladdin and the enchanted lamp, P-two

Aladdin ar Jadur Sarag

Torjuma 🌀 Kuwáiccójjá


Aladdin and the enchanted Lamp [Part-One]


Hore Hore Sáir goiló [A walk to nowhere]

Torfoddin biíná soré, Abanazar e Aladdin or górót accé. Baáde íba ar Aladdin bazarot añri giló.

“Foilá añrá bazu sai” boli Abanazar e  hoi ló. 

Hóthát Aladdin e dami noya bazu  uggúa fai gelgói. Te bicí kúci óiyé. Tarbaáde Abanazar ar Aladdin tará bazarot duwan sailo, saa faní háilo, mancórloí hotá totá hoiló. Añzinná gom gorí hána hailo. Ajja deki Aladdin ollá ekkán bicí kúcir din. 

Early the next morning, Abanazar arrived at Aladdin's house and then he and Aladdin walked to the market.
‘First of all we must look at coats,’ Abanazar said.
Soon Aladdin had an expensive new coat and he felt very happy. Then Abanazar and Aladdin walked through the market and looked at the shops. They drank coffee, talked to people, and had a very good dinner. It was a wonderful day for Aladdin. 

Cúkkúr baijjá bazar bon hísafé, Abanazar ye Aladdin oré bagan ot beraitó loi giló. Tará  gastalat áñri áñrí Aladdin ollá duwanor baábote  hotá hoór.
“Sañsa de mollá bicí gom ána…” bóli Aladdin e hoiyé.
 Abanazar e futki háñce, “kintu… tui aññár boddar fúwa óiyos dé étolla, aw, ehón aññra town óttú neali murát zai. Ére tajubia dorhari jinís asé. Torttú yían zana táfori bó” boli íba yé hoiyé.

On Friday, when the market was closed, Abanazar to the beautiful gardens in the city. They walked under the trees and talked about a shop for Aladdin.
‘You are very good to me, Uncle, 'Aladdin said.
Abanazar smiled. ‘But of course, ’ he said. ‘You are my brother's son. Now, let us leave the city and go up into the hills. There is something wonderful there, and you must see it.’

Tará badcá Súltan ór Raz Mehél oré farái coor ór baáré neali faárót góilloi. Tará buod hotún áñri óre Aladdin óran oi accé.

“Ar bicí duré nái…” boli Abanazar e hoiyé. Aññrá bicí cúndór uggúa bariza loot faiyum. Badcá Súltan ór barizattú aró bicí cúndor bariza…”

Akhérottún Abanazar tíyai yé. “Oiye, foiñssí gái” boli íba yé hoiyé.

Aladdin e saddé é murár uore honó bariza yá bagan dehá nozar. “É bariza wá horé…sañsa…? bolí te fusár loiló. 

  They left the gardens, walked past the Sultan's palace, and out of the city up into the hills. They walked for a long time and Aladdin began to feel tired.
‘It's not far now, ' said Abanazar. ‘We're going to see a beautiful garden _more beautiful than the garden of the Sultan's palace. '
At last Abanazar stopped. ‘Here we are, ’ he said.
Aladdin looked, but he could see no gardens on the hills. ‘Where is this garden, Uncle? ’ he said. 

“Foilá aññáráttú oin dóra foribo” bóli Abanazar e hoiyé. 

Aladdin e noó buzé, kintu, te tar sañsar lá merit oin dóraiye. Baáde, Abanazar ye gura kuththa uggúa ttú guri hoduún nelai oinor uottú círi diyé. Te sug hári “Abracadabara!” hoí foríló.

Hóthát, asman hala ói giyói. Doñr Doñr hala dúñwár tara ól oinor thal ottún neler. Dúñwár tolor zobin kúli zar. 
Tar baáde, dúñwá gun sáf oi gelgói. Zobin ottú dóroni asé dé dóla fattór uggúa uitthé. 

‘First we must make a fire, ’said Abanazar.
Aladdin did not understand but he made a fire for his uncle on the ground. Then Abanazar took some powder out of a small box, and put it on the fire. He closed his eyes and said, ‘Abracadabra!’
At once, the sky went dark. Black smoke came from the fire, and the ground under the fire began to open. Then the smoke went away, and in the ground there was now a big white stone with a ring in it.

Aladdin e bicí hoilé bicí dorai giyé. Te dáito saár, kintu Abanazar re tar hát thani dóri matá sai bari maijjé. 

Miníth dui Miníth fán mata bula sára doró ói accíl. Baáde, te guzori fusár loiyé dé, “kiyóllá endilla goillá dé…sañsa?”

“Torttú morot fuwa háthi owa foribó. Ya tui gura fuwa de noó” hoí Abanazar e juwab diyé. “Aññí tor bafor bái ura, étolla tortú aññár hotá fúna foribó. No dhoraic, tui ehón dóni boni zaibi gói. Accá… ya ekká cúndor gori fún sai…” hoí Aladdin or hát dóri taikké. “Cúde tui e fattór gúwa ré lari farí bí dé…, dóronír uore tor hát án diták, tor nam loi to' bar nam hoó…”

Aladdin was very afraid. He began to run away, but Abanazar took his arm and hit him on the head.
For a minute or two Aladdin could not speak or move. Then he cried, ‘why did you do that, Uncle? ’
‘You must be a man now, not child,’ said Abanazar. ‘I am your father's brother, and you must obey me. Don't be afraid. In a short time you're going to be a rich man. Now, listen carefully. ’ He took Aladdin's hand. ‘Only you can move this stone. Put your hand on the ring and say your name and your father's name.’

Bicí dhorai dhorai Aladdin e dóronír uore hát rakílo, dóroní gan gorom noó, kintu bicí tánda. “Aññí Aladdin, Mustafar fuwa” boli hoíyé. Fattór gúa asté góri lori giyói. Saáddé merír bútoré círi ókkol dehá zar.

 “E círi baái nise lamgói…” bóli Abanazar e hoíyé. “Baáde khambára sáiró wáre farái zaic gói, ebbe fisór khambárat foóñsí lé bagan ot nele de duwar ekkán asé. Bagan ot gas ókkol ór bútorttún uggúa gasór tole Sarag ekkán asé. Gasór gularé yó torttú háito mone hoilé hái fari bí. Kintu… Sarag gán oré agortú tuwa fori bó. É Sarag gán oré aññár hañsé loi aníc…”

Very afraid, Aladdin put his hand on the ring. It was not hot, but very cold. ‘I am Aladdin, son of Mustafa,' he said. The stone moved easily, and now Aladdin could see stairs under the ground.
‘Go down those stairs, ' Abanazar said, ‘and then through four big rooms. In the last room there is a door into a garden, and under one of the trees there is a lamp. You can take some fruit from the trees, but first you must find the lamp. Bring the lamp to me.’

“Meérbani gorí aññár fúñáti aiyóná…sañsa” boli Aladdin e hoiyé.

“No faribó… e ham yián tui ek zon e gorí fari bí dé… O fút” hoí cúnar oñçí uggúa tar hátor tún kúli Aladdin oré diyé. “E oñçí ibá jadur  oñçí. Toré ibáyé sóñli fari buo. “Cúndór gorí saic, Sarag gán aññár hañsé tora tori loi aníc…” bóli hoiyé.

Aladdin e tar bañ hátor kinna oñl ot oñçí wá finí círi bai nise lami giyé. Nise andár dé étolla dhorar, kintu te Abanazar oré yattú aró bicí dhora.

‘Please come with me, Uncle!’ Aladdin said.
‘No, Only you can do this, my boy. ’ Abanazar took a gold ring off his finger and gave it to Aladdin. ‘This ring is magic and can protect you, ’ he said. ‘Be careful, and bring me the lamp quickly!’
Aladdin put the ring on the little finger of his left hand and began to go down the stairs. It was dark and he was afraid, but he was more afraid of Abanazar.

Aladdin ottún eén dhoron saá. Kiyóllá hoilé Abanazar deki tar sañsa noó. Te diki Morokko (Hápca) decór uggúa Jadugor. Tartú e Sarag yián bicí loi tuo mon. Sarag yián cádarón Sarag noó, Jadur Sarag. Yían óre e coórór Aladdin hodé gorib fuwa wá yé taré loi di fari buo….  

Aladdin e círir tók ek cót án lami baáde foilá khambárat foóñissé. Zehón te yiáñt fooñissé, saaddé andár-tándár saf oigiyói. Étolla te tora turi khambára ókkol farái bagamot zade duwarot giyé. Saáddé baganot mazé gas ókkol asé. Gasór uore dóla, lal, hail, hóloiddá…roñggin gula ókkol asé.

And Aladdin was right to be afraid, because Abanazar was not his uncle. He was a magician from Morocco, and he wanted this lamp very much. It was a magic lamp, and only a poor boy from the city could get it for him_a boy called Aladdin.
Aladdin went down a hundred stairs and into the first room. Down here, it was not dark and he went quickly through the rooms to the door into the garden. There were trees in the garden, with beautiful fruits of different colours_ white, red, green and yellow. 

Sarag án oré gas uggúar tole éhón faiyé. “Kiyólla aññár sañsattú e hoñsora furan Sarag yián lager de…?” hoí te báfer. Sarag án oré tar zef ot bóri loiló. Baáde…gasórttú gula ókkol fari bazur zef zetówá asé biggúnnót bóri loiyé. Íyar baáde círir yiáñt zai uoré urí accé. Ehón, Abanazar ar nil asman oré te dekér.

“Aññáré Sarag án de” hoí Abanazar e maiggé. Tar hát án di “tora turi… o fút…Sarag desaná” bóli hoíyé.

Aladdin e Sarag án tar zef ottún nelai no farér. Kiyólla boli hoilé, Sarag án gula ókkolór tole fori giyói. Te Abanazar guiccá uiththé dé mug án dekí dhore hafer.

He soon found the lamp, under one of the trees. ‘Why does my uncle want this dirty old lamp? ’ he thought. He put it in his pocket. Then he began to take fruits from the trees, and to put it in every pockets of his coat. After that he went back to the stairs and began to go up. Soon he could see Abanazar and the blue sky.
‘Give the lamp to me,’ Abanazar said, and put out his hand. ‘Quickly, boy, the lamp! ’
Aladdin could not get the lamp out of his pocket because it was it was under the fruits. He looked at Abanazar angry face and was afraid. 

Foilá, baáré nelai fari fán moré modot goró…baáde aná sarag faiba de. Meérbani gorí modot goró sañsá” boli te hoiyé.

“Agor tú Sarag dito hoiddé” hoí Abanazar e gozgozan moijjé. “Aññáré Sarag dé…!”
“Ajó noó…sañsa!” bóli Aladdin e hoiyé.

“Ebbe be hazor fuwa ána…! Kuttar fuwa…! Tui ar tor sarag eré nise fori ták!” boli hoí Abanazar ye guiccá gorí oin asé dé ére duñr diyé. Guri bicí gori loi oin or ottú círi diyé. “Abracadabra!” hoi te fori fú diyé.
Dóla fattór gúa abar ódór zagat lori giyói. Ya Aladdin e asman oré ar nodekér.  Te andár khambárat fori giyói. Te baár mikká yó neli no farér.
‘First help me out, then you can have the lamp,’ he said. ‘ Please, Uncle! ’

‘First the lamp,’ cried Abanazar. ‘Give me the Lamp!’
‘No! Aladdin said.
‘You good-for-nothing! You dog! You and the lamp can stay down there!’ Angrily, Abanazar ran to the fire and put more powder on it. ‘Abracadobra!’ he called.
The big white stone moved again, and now Aladdin could not see the sky. He was in the dark, under the ground, and could not get out. 
🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈A walk to nowhere🌈END🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈

To be continue ……

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